The Voice

After my recent bout with dehydration, did I see the lingering signs of loss still exist in those I love. The fear in the faces of the young reminds me of the impact we have experienced. The shift in the positioning of our lives has forever been altered...... but we are finding alignment.

Those memories we have, whether cherished or despised, are always alive. They remain in existence even when we try to bury them. Perhaps rather than escape them, it is better to face them and create a new existence. Call your future into the present and believe it will happen.

That is exactly what Abraham, the Father of a great nation, chose to do. He and his wife were told to leave their family and familiar territory, to go into an unknown area, because the "land" had been promised to him. It was his inheritance; part of his future. He suffered losses, as he left everything behind to pursue this promise.

This man found a mystery unfolding before his eyes, as he was expecting his promise to come in a conventional way. When it didn't, he chose to "speak into existence" the thing that wasn't happening but was meant to be; in essence, he gave his faith a voice........

Give a voice to your unfulfilled expectations.