Trust Issues

I typically am willing to place a certain level of trust in a person, unless and until the trust is broken. Learning the lessons and walking those lines can be a tough place to be, especially in a new area...... and season in life. I am encountering issues I have never dealt with before.

In my circumstances, my age, and place in life, it's very weird, figuring out what I want, when I want it, and what "it" even looks like at this point. No one really expects to be in this situation, even though divorce is common and separation seems normal in our time.

When I think I know what I personally want, things seem to become complicated. I'm getting more advice from my kids than I ever thought I would be, on behavior, relationships, and resolutions, kind of like I don't know anything, lol:)

Logan's journey to HI begins this week with the Varsity VB team from Redondo Unified, who are traveling to the big tournament on Oahu:) Again, thanks to our dear friend who is investing in his future.....

Enjoyed time with a new friend, who showed me around PV a bit. I walked down to a cove by the ocean, where the rocks meet the water. I saw what I thought was a seal swimming, but turned out to be an Irish Setter:D Blond moment.

After providing the DMV with several documents in order to get my CA driver's license, but to no avail, I finally got to the bottom of the matter: I need to produce my original marriage certificate from 23 years ago, further proof of my identity, confirming maiden and married names.

You can imagine my surprise..... after a death and 20+ years later. And of course, I'm on a deadline now because of insurance. Needless to say, a courthouse in PA is sending me a certified copy. It will all work out.

Trust is a delicate thing and should be treated as a treasure.