Did you ever feel like you put so much out, time and again, and seem to get little to nothing in return? I know this can apply to many and any areas in life; in my soul, I do get tired. I want response. Action. In most cases, prayer is like this.......
It is so much easier to give up rather than dig in and go deep. Fulfilling relationships, body restoration, restorative health and building a business are only a few items that come to mind that require stamina. In my daily life, I tell myself to "never give up......."
I am the only one that can determine to do this. "The prayer of a righteous 'man' is powerful and effective." #digin2016
As the new year is upon us, I reflect on the last few which have been pretty crappy; certainly not what I had hoped for. Perhaps this one will be different. While I don't get stuck on one evening, I do press on towards the goals I have in mind from the heavens for 2016.........
We are in quite a different place as we will soon close out another year, a season, and a chapter in life. I have been working as much as ever, which I find almost addictive now:/ I am unsure of what my daily life as a female is supposed to look like. I have so many different hats I am wearing........
I am sure some of what I feel is normal "middle age" angst, but compounded ten fold, because of my ongoing recovery LOL. In many ways, we are a nation that is also recovering, as I ponder the trauma, terrors, and triumphs we have endured on levels beyond human comprehension.
Recovery. Restoration. Renewal. It is here.