Firmly Planted

The way I change my life is getting down and dirty, doing the work it takes to get where I need or desire to be. At times I have felt my heart unable to take any more impacts, or even impulses, whether good or bad. It's kind of tough to describe......

When good stuff eventually comes, and I do say eventually, it's often because there has been intentional change. I can't say that I am over my fear of loss issues necessarily, but I am continuing to be challenged by it, challenged to change it. My emotional responses will find rest...........

Some days I wonder if it will pass or how long it will take for me to feel secure; I'm not sure if that feeling will ever return. It was old and familiar, one I had with my first husband. But I am now a new creation....... my kids are adept challenges and changes because of what we have faced. 

We are seeing so many blessings exploding as we've entered this new year, new season, and new story being written.......

My Grandpop's service reflected his life's work, goals, and values, and it was a very special time talking with dear friends and seeing family again. I am glad we were on the east coast this year smile emoticon Taking time to pause and remember him caused each of us to remember their dad's celebration too:)

The boys and I are again out of town in the very Happy Valley at PSU; a big USAV Boys Qualifier event is being held this weekend, and no they don't cancel! We will be here through the weekend, while our place back home is taken care of by the rest smile emoticon 
Logan's team and club have been a big blessing to be around this season and we are grateful.

I am getting my head in the game when it comes to wedding planning. Chynna has begun and dates are set to look at dresses with at least 11 of her closest friends and family smile emoticon Another big event, lol. After I get over feeling a bit overwhelmed, I will engage and go with it! I am simply speechless sometimes.........
So many great things are happening for her and Evan smile emoticon

Jordan's business has begun exploding as he continues to work with images and new clients, in web and app design. To see how far he has come, and continues to be willing to learn both personally and professionally, is more than a mother could ask for. He is uber talented.

Austin has been dating a girl named Kaitlyn who we are thrilled with; as we get to know her better, we are finding they are very similar LOL. It is quite interesting. He's back at KU for classes and has done very, very well so far. His job as a server has prospered him; however, he is looking for new opportunities in the coming months.

I've decided to share my relationship status, as Scott and I have been dating for six months now. To say we are similar is an understatement. Our love story is a sweet one and I am sure to share it in the coming weeks. I was asked countless times at the services this week if I found a husband yet, ha ha smile emoticon I am amazed at how many care for me.............

I have declared in 2016 that "our feet are firmly planted in the future." There's no going back.
