As I move forward in love in my life, there are delicate items to be shared that I am sure many will relate to. Blending families, being confident, and making moves are all part of this great transition we are in, which is leading to a great future. Life is an opportunity I take hold of.
I could write another book on the idea of "blending families", as I am sure many would relate to. I never thought it could be so complicated, but, I can again see how what God has allowed me/us to go through can truly benefit another. I will share more carefully and as I go on.
Not only has life been challenging, but it's brought about changes that I'm unsure I'm prepared for, let alone my kids. I know I ask a lot of them, and they of me, but we are all learning what it takes to expand our family. Accepting new ones in is a new phase we have entered.
Our household is expanding, not only with a marriage, but with additional people to our home. Because of an extraordinary set of circumstances, we are opening our home up to those who need one. I know you may think I have enough going on, but I could not deny His calling.
I can see how this has the potential to be an incredible work of restoration in the life of another. Restoration is a hard sell; it takes work, dedication, and an eye to see the prize ahead. I am absolutely humbled to be able to give support during another's time of loss.........
I am also coming to grips with a truth that has been difficult to swallow, and has taken me quite a long time to accept. Knowing someone is hurting and reacting out of pain makes me give too many chances, but I've come to the point I need to make some work changes.....
More to come.