From loss to gain

For years before my husband passed, I would ask God to bless me. Enlarge my tent. Multiply what I have and who I am. Little did I know that before He could do that, I would experience traumatic loss.
In order to gain, I would first lose..........

After the death 4+ years ago, I began to more fervently pray for multiplication. My needs were no longer taken care of by a man. Even though we always relied on the Lord to bring in jobs and give us work, this was quite a stretch for my faith..........

I continued to give, even if only a widow's mite" as the Word says; I believe the hand of God has intervened and kept me. Even though I hoped for some so called security, I know I am meant to rely on a higher power and seek Him for provision. Risky? Yes.

There is no other way for me........ because He empowers my belief.

The best reward I am receiving right now is not monetarily, even though I believe for great support and blessings abundant. The gift to me is knowing my books are being purchased and I am able to help others. I know I have something good to say...........

It is life changing. The words, life giving.

Another great gift for me is speaking life into a teenager who witnessed the horrible death of a parent. By God's goodness, she has come under my wing and even though there are challenges to work through, my home is expanding. I wouldn't have it any other way.

To see her walk through her loss, experience her feelings, shed the tears, and be able to move on has been priceless. I am privileged to be part of it and witness new life being born out of loss. I tell her she will make it.......... she will be okay.

I thank God every day for this and all other wonders I have seen and heard since 11-4-11.

This is what can happen when you open yourself up and avail yourself to opportunity.
