
I think in so many ways I'm like any other person who craves comfort and stability and wants to count on another person to provide it. After all, that's all I've ever known.........

When I was younger raising my kids, a part of me wanted structure and methods that would work so I wouldn't have to think. Just implement. That idea of control seemed to work for everyone else, but didn't quite work for me. I had to make it up as I went and trust my instincts were right:)

Finally talked with my oldest tonight, after going for well over a week or more without speaking. It usually begins late at night and ends far past my bedtime:/ We covered a wide variety of subjects in an hour's time! Politics, Religion, Dating, etc., etc.

One of our cats went missing tonight, after Logan parked the ATV inside. He used his flashlight on his phone to search for Schmoopie, as I listened from 3000 miles away:) Thankfully she found her way to the back but she won't be making the trip to Cali tomorrow. We decided one will come with the boys tomorrow; the other one in a week or so when a friend comes to visit:)

Logan and I talked about his return here tomorrow; more like I talked, he listened. He has had the best time home, reaffirming his friendships, faith, and life experiences. In spite of the "great weather" and "everything to love," we know there is more to life than this.

For now, he returns......... we all need reminding of our mission regularly. Still kind of making it up as I go along......... without a manual:)