The Core.

Logan has safely landed in Philly and is back in his home, one that he truly treasures. He's already enjoying the great baking of his Aunt Teresa and fun times with family! I imagine they will hear of his depravity here in regards to food, cooking and the lack of "comforts."

Most everyone has this perception of the "Great L.A." and the surrounding areas. It is actually a very dirty place that many locals avoid, in spite of the the glorious lifestyle portrayed. There is a deceptive perception of this town..... it is nothing but emptiness. .

The dating scene proves to be similar. Immaturity and insolence abound but you cannot tell from one's appearance. "Friends with benefits" is an accurate statement, depicting offers my daughter and I have encountered. It is a very accepted practice and this lifestyle, oddly normalized.

My daughter received her diploma this week from Kutztown University in Pennsylvania, with very impressive accolades and achievements. She's been told she's "changing the culture" of the beach cities. Volleyball may have brought us here, but if our sacrifice does not benefit the futures of many, it will be futile.........

During my fitness class last night, I wondered if I could push myself more and I determined yes, I must. For the next 8 weeks, I am very focused on building my "core." I have handled such crap; I can only become even stronger. Going home will be the inspiration I need.

Logan and I plan to be at Sportsfest all day Saturday, so hope to see many friends there! As my plans are firmed, I will update on FB:) Please make sure to see me and connect if possible. This trip will shake a few things up.....

"Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be." 
Job 8:7

— with Chynna Sky.



In my many years of focusing on my family, I found it so difficult to make myself a priority, as many of you can relate too. This summer I have dedicated to putting myself first, in a new and good way. I have a lot to figure out and I now believe, I do have options........

The first thing I usually have to adjust is my perspective; then my mind follows; actions and behavior changes have to be implemented. For practical reasons, I finally wrote down goals and hopes I have, that have always seemed impossible for me.

Today, I chose to put myself first in a small way by signing up for a 9 Week Fitness Class to tone and strengthen my core. I figure I can take $11 from my grocery money each week. Worst case, we'll eat a little less, lol. I have lost over 7 lbs. since coming here, but didn't really have it to lose.

After making health insurance changes and being dissatisfied with the first doctor I settled on out here, I made another change. Today I met a new, young doctor in Manhattan Beach and feels like a very good fit:) Here's to hoping......... I also plan to get my yearly mammogram soon:/

No one is here to tell me to take care of myself, that I need to get these checkups and things done. It's so weird. The kids try, but somehow do not carry the same weight as a spouse. I kind of want someone to tell me I need to do it.

This new doctor is an L.A. native, but went to school in NYC for 8 years. We spoke of the clash of cultures between east and west. The lifestyle can lend itself to laziness in some respects. The east is fast; here it's slow...... except on the freeway:)

I'm learning how to adapt without losing myself. The kids are too. I've been concerned about that, but according to locals, we look like we belong..