“Today I reflect. Reflection is a part of my natural gifting, never wanting to miss the movements of heaven in my life over the years, as well as acknowledging the moments of challenge and chaos, and growth in these times.”
Change. Change. Change. These are the words uttered to me by a close prophetic friend in the Fall of 2020, after investing in one of the biggest undertakings of my life, with my newfound husband/partner. These words flowed from her lips as we literally found coins scattered about in the soil of the farm.
"While living in L.A., where there is sunshine everyday, I began to realize I missed the seasonal changes that are noticeable on the East Coast. For most days, the climate did not change while residing in the west; the days were beautiful and warm. I never did tire of the sun....... but I longed for the seasons. Every day was the same.
"Trust: Difficult to establish, yet so easily undone by a word, phrase, or action that plants a seed of doubt, or several. One seed, when watered and lit, will grow; Before you know it, roots establish themselves in truth or a lie, and spread........ and only a "firm grasp on reality or the divine" can pull out what has been planted.
"Over the course of my life and in my younger days, I began to notice cycles and patterns beginning to surface after I married. There was unidentified pain I felt and I did not know why. I was told the first year of marriage can be challenging, so I chalked it up to that. However, issues and emotions I struggled with had roots that went deep down.....
"Over the course of time and my spiritual growth, I have come to associate "life" along with the aspect of motion. Being in motion, not simply busyness or activity but in movement, makes me feel alive. I believe there is an element of "faith in action" in which I AM admonished to back up and activate my beliefs with deeds, not in the works or religious mentality, but with vigor.
“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever.”