Two languages are universally known to man, however, only one has been recognizable..... that is love. The other one kept hidden is loss. No matter where I go, it's only a matter of time before stories are shared. In a new area, whether callously or carefully expressed, the truth is told.
This "land"is a lot of what I expected and equally as much, I am getting an education. There are definite characteristics of SoCal I have seen, now having spent a decent amount of time here. Some portrayals are accurate; some are images, but a lot is in the attitude......
Back East, we jump right in to help, with concern for oneself almost an afterthought. That's how I was raised and our kids were raised. Hope that quality runs deep as they continue to develop their own lives.
My daughter has been told she's not from L.A., based on the first few minutes of talking with others and the depth in which she converses. Since leaving home, I see the desire for independence coming out and appropriately so. Talk of relationships, roommates, rentals..... all natural things dreamed of at a young age. We got here... that was her first step.
For me, It is hard to be alone and wonder how my kids will find their future; I feel so responsible........ we're doing the right things so I know it's just my own concerns:/ A lot has to come together, but more has to happen.
Jordan's job is going well and he's looking into getting a passport for the first time ever. He's on board to do a Tough Mudder in Vancouver with coworkers from his firm, and so he's in training, lol:) Part of the company is based in Vancouver and the connection is there. He continues to search for another room to rent in SF.
When love is lost, or loss hits home, it's as if time slows down and almost stops for a while. I've found this only lasts for a brief time unless I intentionally make time stand still. I wanted to keep things the same, to keep the status quo, but I would betray myself and my prevailing attitude in life......
These days... time is on fast forward.