Resurrection and restoration.

A lot of times in life we set goals, or have dreams, but accomplishing them is another story, particularly when facing adversity.

On this November 10, four years to this day and same time of the day, we held one of the most inspirational services I have ever been a part of. During the most adverse experience of our lives, we were called to rise.....

And that is an irony of loss.... the ability to feel resurrected while your heart has been torn out.

Tonight I am so excited to tell you I will be releasing the link for the purchase of my first book on the subject; hoping for tomorrow! I think it'll be an easy read, understandable, and hopefully inspiring. And the first of many to come.

"Taking my Territory: One Widow's Will to Win." You may think your life is over, when it is really just ready to begin.........

Psalms 10 speaks to me today.... "Arise Lord, life up your hand... do not forget the helpless. But you, O God, do see trouble and grief; you consider it to take it in hand.... The victim commits himself to you; you are the helper of the fatherless...and defending the fatherless."

Let's go!