
Over the course of many years, and particularly as loss hit home hard, I've seen some ugly attributes displayed as a result of frustrated emotions. When operating out of a place of pain, if not careful, human nature needs to find something, or someone, to control.....

Rather than fighting for my "rights", I have chosen to bend until I break, to fall to my knees. I choose to look to the heavens and believe in a Higher Power who takes my matters into His hands....... I would rather allow freedom to find its way......

In the face of many obstacles, it took the persistence of Moses to never give up; to go back to a Pharaoh until he finally granted Moses' request. Moses had superior skill, "outplaying" those in positions of power; it was only a matter of time when the best rose to the top. Because of his actions, a whole nation would find new found freedom.

Logan's ankle is on the mend and he is quickly recovering; he is resilient. He's back on the court, practicing daily with his team for JO's in Houston. The countdown is on. Back, better than ever. There are times to return to the basics..... and it seems he and I are on a parallel path.

The Tough Mudder in Vancouver brought Jordan a challenge he embraced, training and preparing his "mental game" for this feat. I'm hoping he'll share his adventures with you:) Next up, expanding the blog, as I continue to grow my writing ventures.

I find myself in a position of doing whatever needs to be done; in other words, "suck it up and just do it." There's really nothing I can't tackle or haven't faced. There used to be times in my life where I could just say "I don't feel like it", but not anymore. No one else picks up the slack.

Today, I was racking my brain over Austin's college loans, past, present, and future, to figure out what he needs going forward. And of course, there's a deadline of July 15 to have all aid/loans in place. I'm always on a deadline, ha ha. Perhaps that's why I'm such a pusher and persevere:)

Persistence is key. I used to be a quitter; now, I will be a winner.
Goodnight and Grace.