Valuing innocence.

Over the course of many years, I have seen and heard many "dreams," some of which are held onto, even when the time of fulfillment has passed. Holding onto a purpose that has passed is like devaluing your destiny........

Tomorrow begins the Indoor VB Club season for Logan and his new team, MB Surf. Yes, there is no break; in SoCal the game continues year round, indoor and outdoor. I'm starting to see how this idea of constant competition between kids in Cali, and I do mean constant, can slowly wear away childhood innocence.......

Insanity is defined as "doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different outcome." The importance of meaningful connections with quality people cannot be overstated and far outweighs the satisfaction of any kind of competition, college, image, or status, in my humble opinion.

Austin is recovering from a nasty stomach bug he's had since Tuesday night and missed a few days of school as a result. He's a typical almost 20 year old, searching for a purpose and plan for his life. For now, he is researching......

There is no shortage of surprises living just outside of L.A. When I picked up a few items at the local Walmart Thursday, I suddenly became surrounded by a number of Japanese tourists, taking pictures and notes as I was flying through the store, LOL:)

Redefining the dreams. Innocence over insanity.