Good news to report from Iowa today, as our Keystone Region HP team beat a New Zealand team at Nationals today! The tournament has begun, and thanks to good friends, I'm being kept up to date while home. Looking at Logan on the pics makes me realize how far he's come........
I know I've had times where I am bombarded with bad news, with almost no escape. I soon become influenced by it, when I surround myself in it, like the daily news, negative outlooks, and projected prognoses that need to be nullified. There is almost no getting away from it... unless intentional.
I guess I have been learning, in a fast and furious way, how to handle what is pending but not fear the possibilities. Even though pressures pile on, there always comes a time in God's appointed time when options open up. I may be stretched to the max, but it is all about surrender.........
Giving up something, or someone you love, is not natural. I find it to require a conscious choice on my part; I have learned not to belabor the process when it is time to move on. When I foresee what is coming, having been prepared ahead, it is a bit easier to make the moves........
The month of July has brought about great revelations of where I have been and where I must go. I am happy to say "options" are opening. Now my head and heart need to be aligned.........
So grateful for all our experiences and good counsel during times of decision.
Go team!