With April being a month of vision, clarity, and an opening up, I suppose I should not be surprised when "secrets" are revealed. The Spirit of God knows the time in which I/we can handle such information, and how well it will be processed.......
As I/we go headfirst into a multitude of firsts in our family, we are finding loss reeling its ugly head at times. This requires a sensitivity I do not always have, as I myself, choose to focus on life rather than continual grief over loss. The kids miss their dad....
My kids also are reminding me to enjoy these momentous moments we have the next few months, until at least two move away from home. They feel I have become a bit numb....... disconnected..... perhaps it is my subconscious way of dealing.....
There can be almost a "grief" felt, as our kids move on in life....... however, I find it is often unspoken or not looked upon as a loss. We feel it, but few have words to put on the emotions of it. This does not mean we will not make it, but we do need a new name for it.........
If I focus on those facts, I explained to the kids, this all feels as another loss to me. I cannot grieve any longer. I choose to see the life that will come from the movements we are each making............
I know many mothers and fathers can relate to what I am saying.
Next week is Logan's Senior Moment in VB, when we stand together on the court smile emoticon Once we hit the first week in May, I know it's going to fly by. I am hoping we all find the wings of eagles and soar with His strength within us.......
We are going through our own evolution...... and on steroids. 2.0