With June being known for its weddings and graduations, one thing is certain.... these are beginnings and celebrations....... never knowing what life holds or where it will take you. You are free to dream......
It is quite amazing if you have someone in your life, whether friends, family or one you're fond of, who makes you feel special. Being 3000 miles away from ours, reminds me of how precious it is to make those connections and keep them strong......
In this new locale and lifestyle, I am far more aware of how lofty love is and how lucky one is to find the real thing. As for my young ones, they've got a few stories on fun, friends, and "flakes." The futility is staggering. Most keep things on the surface and that's as close as you'll get.
The search for substance continues........
NBA Finals began tonight and so in keeping with my tradition, I tuned in to see the Spurs and the Heat play Game 1! My love of the game stems back to Logan's birth and late night feedings:) In the next few days, we celebrate Logan and Chynna's will follow.
I've made a tough decision in the last two weeks, based on smart business rather than guilt ridden emotions of loyalty. I can tell I'm moving beyond some old ways.....
Getting in place one of the last pieces, I think, relating to insurance coverage I've been forced to make. Out with the old, in with the new, in yet another way.
As I continue to be squeezed and pressed on many sides, I hope it's only serving to produce some good, sweet "wine"...... saving the best for last:)
Life is poured out as an offering....... (the Apostle Paul)