It's coming.... can you hear it? Can you feel it? Can you sense it? "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever." — The Book of Deuteronomy 29
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When in the midst of something really difficult in life, i used to do something very simple. I would sit on my floor, take my Bible, and open it. Whatever popped out at me, chapter and/or verse, I took as my word for the day, time, or hour. it was my "daily bread......"
It didn't always make sense or apply, but most times it did and I began to hear and understand more. I am not a person that can be told what I need to think, but I need to know it for myself. I won't believe simply because I am expected too. I want a tangible, real experience for myself.......... much like the younger generation.
There is a reason that so many times in the Bible the words "hear" and "listen' are used. When I listen, I am giving attention to; if I hear, I am able to perceive or become aware of it. Before I waste my breath with my boys in particular, I will often ask if they are listening and/or hear me wink emoticon I wonder how many times that happens with my Higher Power........
I had Austin begin to pull the dead branches off the plants today, struggling to find new life in this spring season. Our two tiered pond will require cleaning and fresh water to be ready to go when it warms up:) I am so looking forward to the sound of the waterfall...........
We pulled together and finished painting Jordan's BR; it's cleaned and ready for him to move into. He will finally have a place to settle and not live out of suitcases, which is more than he's had in a two year period smile emoticonOnward and upward.
I received a reminder from Social Security over the weekend, telling me to fill out proper paperwork for my youngest, or his benefits will run out when he's 18 in June. Nothing like striking a bit of fear in my heart. Most days, I have to tell myself to remain calm and do not fear......and raise my level of trust.
I know that I am doing all that I can and putting the right pieces in place to go further. When that is the case, my daily bread has to be supplied as I seek out His purposes for me.
My bread is Psalms 30 til April 30; feel free to take a "bite."
There is a turning. Full circle.