Change. Change. Change. These are the words uttered to me by a close prophetic friend in the Fall of 2020, after investing in one of the biggest undertakings of my life, with my newfound husband/partner. These words flowed from her lips as we literally found coins scattered about in the soil of the farm.
Read moreBroken and better
"What to say when a heart is broken............ "
Read moreSeasonal Changes
"Chaos and Calm. Words to describe moments in my current life......"
Read moreUndone
"The thing that can bind us together may also eventually be used to break us apart. Losses of any kind always have the potential to destroy; in fact, that may be the intent of the enemy of the soul. However, the possibilities and purposes revealed through it are so counter-intuitive to the culture we live in. Surely, good could not come from such "evil" perpetrated or suffering that besets us......"
Read moreLove endures forever
"Trauma. Once experienced, it cannot be undone. It sticks with me and is not easily removed. Trauma can shape the psyche and potentially targets the soul of a person........"
Read moreEntering a new time
"There are a lot of things to realize on a road to recovery and there are lessons learned with each step I seem to take. I hope by sharing my mistakes, mishaps, moments, and meaningful experiences you will find your own way..........."
Read morePatience restored
"Recovery: the action or process of regaining possession or control of something stolen or lost. That pretty much sums it up.
It is a proactive, aggressive stance that I must take if I am going to be restored....... in every way."
Opening up
"here's a reason I used the phrase "be strong and courageous" in my book. Not only is it a word for those who have literally suffered loss, but for some who struggle to live......"
Read morePalpable anticipation.
"I continue to be amazed at the phases of grief when one determines to move forward in the process and take the path towards recovery. The "fear of loss" is a powerful pull towards the past, negates the present, and has the potential to destroy the future..........."
Read moreOpening the eyes of my heart.
"Wow, almost when I least expect it, on any given day, there is an opportunity for recovery. What begins as a "normal" day ends in a time of talking, tears, sharing, and praying to further our growing from grief process. I never would have known the path.........."
Read moreEnding an era.
"No matter what type of "recovery" program you are in, whether serious or of a lighter nature, there are always triggers to recognize. This week, this month, has contained some very high highs and lows as well, with many reminders of the past that I never ask for............"
Read moreReady for recovery.
"For many years, I found myself hoping I could have a connection with my spouse that I had always longed for....... Losses sustained over the 25 years, even during our process of "building" a life together, can catch up. And they did........ it does take two willing parties to advance."
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