"It's seems like forever since I have needed to rest like I have had to this week. This muscle spasm has been one of the most painful things I've dealt with in a long time. After a mini spasm this morning, and a work over from my chiropractor Jen, I'm hoping to be getting through this soon."
Read moreThe gift of giving.
"Life may possibly be busier than it's ever been for me at this current time...... but I don't think I would change a thing right now. I am feeling energized even though I am so tired; flowing when in a frenzied state. Creativity is my compass................."
Read moreTrue to myself.
Being true to myself can be an uphill climb.
Just when I think I've reached a place to stop and "rest," I look around and see where I am. It pushes me to keep moving.
That one step is only temporary and affords few comforts, with little to hold onto; I guess it pushes me to climb higher.................
I find I get tired and want to "settle." Simply because I wish for it to happen, does not mean it has happened, and I push myself a little further. Everything within my soul wants to settle but it does not seem like that kind of season in my life so far.
As I contemplate another road trip which will bring us all back home, I really can't imagine making the journey again. The thing getting me through is the adventure it will be with 3 of my 4 kids. Can't believe I've crossed the country more times in two years than my whole life..........
There's a kind of promised preservation that has come for me through my faith, at least that's how I look at it. I can't always explain it, but I know it. I feel it. I see it. It can be very easily undermined if it isn't protected and I've learned to be vigilant.
My youngest challenges me all the time, not with his words, but his actions. He chooses his battles wisely and counts the costs of his choices. His temperament is a true test of his character, which has always been tested like few others. I am blessed to be part of his life.......
One thing I am counting on is that more fun will return to my life, as the drive from L.A. will begin in 20 days. My kids will remind me to be true to myself, what matters, and my convictions. Imagine, kids challenging their parents. I wonder how many of us actually listen when that happens........
Goodnight. .