In times past, when I have prayed for answers or asked for a change in my life, the essence of the answer has escaped my sight or senses. It was often because I had a set of circumstances in which I thought the Lord would work; when that didn't happen, everything went to hell........
It is in the times I have been there and returned from, that I have trained myself to see beyond what my tiny mind can comprehend, and prepare myself to be blown away. I always anticipate good stuff. Perhaps one thing loss has given me....... is the will to win..........
I have learned that if I want something, I need to pursue it and find the courage to do it. In the last few weeks, I have had to do just that. Plenty of things I have done while being "afraid", but with each phone call, email, or question asked, my soul is restored a little more.
Up until now, this year has unleashed a series of traumatic events, on one level or another. In spite of it all, I know I am in the right place, position, season, and for the right reasons. The tide is turning; the wave is building. I want to ride it.
With that in mind, I have chosen to join forces with fellow female Berkshire Hathaway agent, Christina Acerra, in my Macungie office. I am going to be a Licensed Assistant and agent, working with her to build a business. I look forward to expanding our network together! #girlpower
I am working in the RE office daily, along with my job at Keystone Volleyball Association. In essence I have a PT job and FT job, both being somewhat flexible. KRVA allows me to wear athletic attire, while the RE office is kind of the opposite. I get a good variety this way smile emoticon
There were several options that opened up to me, and I recognized. I am trusting to make the right decisions as I move forward in my life, professionally and personally. It is never easy to cut old ties, break any bonds made, or move forward when you want something to work out.
I realized a while ago, after a lot of heartache, that I cannot make anyone's decisions for them. It is a hard lesson to learn, but an area of surrender in my life that purifies my heart, and keeps my soul tender. In getting to the point of surrender, I actually find freedom...........