A heart surrendered.

I believe for many people, holidays and special occasions are times for reflection and evaluation of life, and everything that has taken place from one season to the next. For me, I value the opportunity to be aware on a daily basis......and time after time....... I am touched deeply.

Even with some family challenges, I feel so expectant in my spirit this week. So much is in motion. i put out quite a few questions to the God in heaven I believe in, and He has come through amazingly. I have learned to get very specific with them and the answers I am seeking.........

Because my heart is surrendered, I am not disappointed. I trust. I am thankful. I am hopeful. I believe.

Now more than ever, we feel being home is a blessing. My heart is full tonight as my daughter and Evan hosted an event in our home. I am so honored to be invited, as a parent, to participate in the festivities. I am welcomed with warm, open arms. I learn and grow from the young........ we are knit together.

For the first time in my life, I was able to purchase an actual dining room table for our family home, which includes 8 chairs; room to grow. Jason has come from LA and joined our family for the next few days, and we are so excited to have him with us. He is part of us....... we love you smile emoticon

Our family continues to be redefined, re-established, and resilient.

I am thankful for this community, online and across the nation, who has invested in me, us, and has given the opportunity to share the hope that is now at our core. There are always past hurts that try to displace the happiness; however, growing hope is so important to growing life...... I am committed.

Some very big steps are being taken this week and on the holiday. I haven't had a man in my life that has wanted me so involved in his, until now...... tomorrow we meet each other's families. Butterflies smile emoticon

This song has spoken to my spirit, particularly today. Time to me is not relevant. It is what I do with what I have been given. We have entered into a new continuum. 
Thankful and Hopeful.