"While living in L.A., where there is sunshine everyday, I began to realize I missed the seasonal changes that are noticeable on the East Coast. For most days, the climate did not change while residing in the west; the days were beautiful and warm. I never did tire of the sun....... but I longed for the seasons. Every day was the same.
Read morePower at Rest
"Over the course of time and my spiritual growth, I have come to associate "life" along with the aspect of motion. Being in motion, not simply busyness or activity but in movement, makes me feel alive. I believe there is an element of "faith in action" in which I AM admonished to back up and activate my beliefs with deeds, not in the works or religious mentality, but with vigor.
Read moreLove Never Fails
"If you love something, or someone, set it free." I have heard this quote countless times over my lifetime, but until I come face to face with the task, in each instance, there is no way to predict its outcome..."
Read moreResistance or Resilience
"There are times and seasons in life which prepare us for change; it is imminent. While it is human nature to resist change in general, as I learned to go with its flow, I found new life..... this is a lesson to be learned on a large scale."
Read moreRebuilding the walls.....
After feeling racked by pain, suffering, assaults on every side, and anything that leaves you being broken, there is a time to recover....... and find a rest. "
Read moreDarkness deterred.
"Create in me a clean heart.... and Renew a RIGHT spirit within me."
Read moreBeyond the curtain.... and into hope
"For those like me, who have felt the sting of death or the pain of loss in 2016, or have been shaken to your core, you are more than ready to leave behind what is past. Forgetting what is behind and moving on towards what is ahead......"
Read moreEnd of an Era
"Watching a movie with Logan tonight, prior to leaving Dallas for the another time. The end of an era has come and this "speech" seems quite appropriate, challenging him and me. I hope it speaks to you."
Read moreEnlarging the tent pegs
"Those who know me, know I believe in multiplication..... of blessings."
Read moreChildhood Crush
"I don't know about you, but I get to certain levels in life...... where I know more is being "required" of me. I have felt this coming on since our move back East, cause life as we knew it to be will certainly never be the same.
To say we have been in a transition for a year is an understatement......"
Divine windows in time
"Sometimes the best people, places, or purposes in life are sitting right before us, and yet, they are somehow hard to see....... until the right time. A divine appointment....... the pieces come into place after wondering how it all fits together........ and then suddenly everything makes sense..........."
Read moreHope is a heartbeat
"Wow, what surreal moments have encapsulated my emotions over the last few years. From love lost, new life given, multiplications of second chances, and a future looking so bright........
Hope is the heartbeat of my life."
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