"Those who know me, know I believe in multiplication..... of blessings."
Read moreBe the future
"Whew, these first two months of the year have definitely been exploding. I know I am not alone in my assessment...... I went into the year expecting it and it's come on a variety of fronts. The question remains is how well do I deal with the chaos........"
Read moreLove is in the air.
"Tax time is upon us and I make my appointment pretty early so I can get the FAFSA submitted for financial aid, now for two boys. I pray to God good things come through. As I pour over the expenses and income from 2015, major changes are reflected in my records......."
Read moreHappy.
"Several years ago during a high school volleyball season, friendships were formed. While waiting between games, a few of us females got lunch together and found out we could make a really nice group of friends. None of our lives are exactly the same, but the common bonds are built......"
Read moreCreative connecting.
"As a parent, and a now single one, there are times when I could completely want to disconnect. I could continually be consumed with self, doing my "own thing", and be somewhat justified in doing so. After all, I'm in my 40's, given a second chance, and transforming my life........."
Read moreFight the feeling.
"Whew, what a month August has been. I don't always look at life in these measures in time, but it just so happens, a lot has been contained in these seasonal, summer months. Unimaginable things that have led the way to me looking ahead as never before........."
Read moreThe flow you cannot control.
Getting out of town definitely took my mind off of some unnecessary drama that has escalated in the last 3 months. I have had to rearrange some priorities and go with a flow I seemed to have stepped into, and am now am carried along in.
Read moreBig breakthrough.
Some times are tougher than others and I find this happens just before a big breakthrough. Practically speaking, this looks like a two year old garage door opener quitting, a new ice maker not working, to a bruised ankle, and the list goes on. Stuff happens that doesn't make sense.
You push forward only to be met with discouragement that tries to create doubts. I am determined however, not to entertain or play host because I know those doubts create instability. Since returning from L.A., I am all about increased stabilization......... because there is a shifting........
For me, this means I am asking questions about what brings the instability versus how I feel secured. Problem is, if/when I find the answers, I need to be willing to act. This will require even more strength and courage from me.
In the last two years of transition, I am learning more about my feminine self as opposed to who I was in marriage. My dating life began 18 months after death, and I felt ready. For some it is sooner; others it takes a longer period. I do know I am a bit fearful though......... which I'd rather not admit.
Last night Logan's HS VB team could not overcome Wilson and were knocked out of Counties in Quarterfinals. Unfortunately, Logan was not able to play because of his ankle injury, but, he IS on the mend and will be ready for District playoffs.
There was a large crowd that came out and he was mentioned as "one to watch" in our local paper. It was tough for me to see this play out but I did remain positive throughout the process though.
I took today to run the massive amount of errands on my list as they built up throughout the week. I made another trip to Lowe's for a few rental items, but I am happy to say I believe we are winding down, thanks to Jordan's help. Slowly but surely, we are catching up on things left go.
I think my new motto is "do what makes you happy" and I should post stickers everywhere to remind myself. I have come a long way but have further to go in the relationship arena. That is somewhat uncharted territory for me:/
I am so blessed by great girlfriends, my mom, and good, loving friends who continue to lift me up. Thanks...........
Defending the court.
In preparation for Logan's impending driver's exam, he's been practicing parking on occasion. Today, I became a human cone for him; the things I won't do to see him succeed:/ He's given me a few other suggestions that I've nixed, LOL.
Our trip to Hershey last Friday for the High Performance VB tryout has paid off! Logan is 1 of 12 guys chosen to represent the PA region in a national competition in Des Moines, Iowa this summer. He is one of two Liberos chosen, with his teammate Gabe being the other. So thankful.
This will be his first official title as Libero which he plans to pursue in his college aspirations. His defensive skills were honed by his assistant coach in SoCal, the US National Team Libero Alfie Reft. During a time of testing in this recent season, we continue to hold onto redemption in his life.........
There are seasons in life that are just hard sometimes, and as you know, I felt this a lot in the last two years we traveled. I knew there was a reason for the testing however; there was a transition we all had to make. We made the choice to leap; we chose to take the calculated risks. Had I ever thought I made the wrong decision, those choices would all be in vain......
I know we are all very different people in our returning to the east. I know how important connections are, and how many are just waiting and anticipating............... We make all kinds of excuses as to why we don't do something or we fear it, and those mentalities for us are all gone.........
Our transitory move simply made the way for us which took courage, but once we got there, we had to force ourselves to integrate, innovate, and adapt. I have to believe I have options to see those openings. I must know that I need to make the most of opportunities, and if they are not there, pray for them. They will come..... if I obey His will.
I'm working on income tax prep this week with my appointment coming shortly, looking at my financial situation again, and what my options are. Even though I could be very concerned, I want to rise above it all. I do not want to be held captive by situations that can change suddenly........
Much like Logan's position on the volleyball court, there's a defensive stance that must be taken...... and in life.
He always is ready and prepared for whatever comes, whether easy or hard; he's got to get to where he is needed because a team is counting on him. There's got to be an aggressiveness and authority on the court, associated with the position. There cannot be timidity or a lack of confidence because too much is riding on it. He cannot be willing to give up his "territory," but command it. Trust. Talent. Confidence. Support.
And like with most things I speak of associated with loss, it requires making the first "move........"
Zero to Sixty… Accelerate.
I have learned there is "no rest for the weary", after making a somewhat harrowing drive home from Penn State last evening, following our long weekend of volleyball. Opportunity never lets up, if I have the proper perspective… Traveling on Route 322 out of town, the path was tough to see. There was no line in the center of the lane, as it was covered in snow. I took my best guess as to where I needed to be. Very few cars were on the road and at one point, it seemed to be just me…
Read moreBy faith.
Contrary to belief and what you may be seeing, life here can be light hearted. Sometimes we think we have to go elsewhere to escape the mundane, when goodness is right in our midst...... if we can only find a way to build something, more than what we know.........
I began to contemplate a return home months and months ago, and determined to take the steps necessary in that direction. We learned early on the west was a transitory time; for how majestic the mountains are, the mundane is there as well. The movement has to come from within us......
Over the course of this almost two year period of time, I began to see the toll this transition had taken on all of us. It was in June of 2014 I began to contemplate our "exodus". Whenever you feel enslaved to a system or society, God will always be a way of escape......
This would take every ounce of courage I could muster again, as well as my kids. There's a certain pride that comes with being called a "Californian." We had a choice to make. Follow our further calling or protect the pride associated with the statehood.
I believe I will return to the land one day, for a mission, promise and purpose. It's a great place to visit and I'm thankful to hear the kids are doing okay on their own. For now, my path is being laid out for me to follow as a result of obedience. My late husband helped us learn this "by faith" concept.........
We continue in the recruiting process for Logan and college, as he's in his junior year and plans to play volleyball in college. Lately, my nights have consisted of late night coast to coast calls for business, the blog, and for fun just before midnight. It feels longer than 4 weeks that we left them behind...... to obey.
Chynna is receiving lots of affirmation of the job she's doing coaching in Cali. This has been a time of development her knowledge and skills, and reaffirming the call she has on her life.... and there is definitely a difference in the play of the "game."
And who knows where adventure will take us next...........