I know because I am a "real" person and have chosen to share our journey with you, it allows me to be exposed. Like anyone who opens their life to public or private scrutiny, we will be put under a microscope. It goes with the territory.......
Mine is a very close, personal one and I appreciate this great opportunity to hopefully touch, impact, and even change someone's outlook on life. Real life. Restoration. And ultimately Redemption of hope lost.
I require discipline and discretion in what I share, believe it or not, because if I share with you from a place of pain, the wounds I walk in will be inflicted upon you. I absolutely take great care in choosing my words wisely, while walking through recovery.......
The ultimate goal is to change the place of pain to a place each of us can reign from. Game changers happen every day........
I take this very seriously.
In the last year, upon my return from the west, I have walked through the fire, many actually. During that time, my family has always been tight. What has occurred in the last many months of 2015-16 had the potential to drive a irreparable wedge between us.
Being on my knees before God and doing whatever is required to repair any damage done, has begun to create a new bond...... a strong cord that cannot be broken. I may be crushed, but I am not destroyed. (2 Corinthians 4:7-12)
There is a book that relates to the "love languages." I think it may be time for one detailing the "language of loss", because unless you have been there, you do not speak it; hear it, nor comprehend it. It is time for a new language.............
I am going to begin sharing to the Secrets section of my blog, further insights into the mind of Christ, the ways of the Lord, and how to better follow the leading of the Spirit. It is the only way to live.
There is no giving up.