"I know because I am a "real" person and have chosen to share our journey with you, it allows me to be exposed. Like anyone who opens their life to public or private scrutiny, we will be put under a microscope. It goes with the territory......."
Read moreRebuilding the wall
"Whew, it's been a whirlwind the past few days because committing to anything meaningful keeps me busy. Perhaps that's why so many in our day are "commitment phobs" or hate to plan ahead, LOL. Once committed, I don't usually back out....."
Read moreLanguage of Loss
"In the aftermath of loss, my language has changed.........."
Read moreImagine a sound.
"magine a voice, a sound you were accustomed to hearing and then, suddenly silent........"
Read moreMatters of the heart.
"Making many lists and checking them two and three times, lol. I am so behind for this season; it seems like "life" just preoccupies my time mostly. I am counting down the days to the holiday which will be extra special this year.......... adding a few more special people into our lives"
Read moreSecrets and strength
""One of my greatest fears is mediocrity".... my young son said and wow, did those words hit me powerfully in the last week. He put into words exactly how I feel.... and perhaps many, if we could really want to push ourselves to be more than we think we can be....."
Read moreMy cup overflows.
"We are in the final few weeks leading into the 4th year of our survival after trauma and loss. It is just now that I can feel we are beginning to thrive....."
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