"One of my greatest fears is mediocrity".... my young son said and wow, did those words hit me powerfully in the last week. He put into words exactly how I feel.... and perhaps many, if we could really want to push ourselves to be more than we think we can be.....
To do anything extra ordinary will take you out of yourself. You may not always "see" where you are heading, but you can feel the excitement building, and sometimes anxiety lol. The anticipation is palpable. There IS something more than what you know.....
Even when the atmosphere is not conducive to growth, and in fact, the opposite is occurring, purpose and potential plant themselves in the soul. I've been reflecting on the life of Samson, from the book of Judges in the Bible; a man known for his great strength... and his "secrets."
Samson kind of played with fire and it came back to bite him in many ways; however, in the end, he did defeat his demons. He couldn't see what to do, but he could feel it and then pushed for what he knew he was destined to do. It was within his power.... to reach out and call out.
I have been so blessed by the support and enthusiasm I've received from countless friends, acquaintances, and even "strangers" about the book. The warm reception I've gotten is so very rewarding, thank you all from the bottom of my heart.....
I wrote it as if I was going to read it, so hoping it's easy, intriguing, and inspiring. It may even fill in some gaps for you:) Next on my list is to get it available for Kindle! And of course, begin the second...... wink emoticon
In between it all, I am really enjoying my current love life, and seeing my kids establish lives of their own back east. To say we are thrilled to be here, see the seasons change, and experience the start of the holiday season, is an understatement.
I am thanking God for his enduring love that lasts a lifetime and has lifted me up.
I am now speaking a new language of loss....... Nite.