Alternate reality

I have found not any other person can attempt to tell me how to handle loss. The almost five year mark we are coming upon does not negate the memories. The most recent losses suffered only serve as reminders to the traumas witnessed on that one sacred day that would send life into the alternative reality I now find myself in..... 


No one can even fathom but only suggest what it will take to move on; nor even I would pretend to have the simplistic answers you may seek to ease your pain, conscience and heartaches felt. I know there is no formula; each is a unique circumstance. This is encompassed in life as we know it. Whether it be a dire prognoses, an economic slowdown, fears faced, family fractures or the like; I can only speak from my heart, as my soul is a work in progress. Having been to the gates of hell and walked through this so called "Valley of the shadow of death", I have felt and witnessed it all...... and wondered if I could recover. 

One thing you can be sure of....... It is that I am no Judge. I am no Jury. I will not stand in judgment of you. I offer grace; the same that I have searched for, encountered and found time and time again from the God in heaven that I know to be true and a truth teller.  If it is one thing the soul of our nation needs now, it is Grace. Restoration.  we are a nation of individuals with these needs. This has become very apparent. 

Our harvest of righteousness and peace is coming...... after the discipline ends.