"Restoration is a "dirty" word... meaning in order to restore a life, a house, or anything I can think of, I've got to be willing to get dirty. This work is by far one of the most challenging, and rewarding, works of the kingdom....."
Read moreAlternate reality
"I have found not any other person can attempt to tell me how to handle loss. The almost five year mark we are coming upon does not negate the memories. The most recent losses suffered only serve as reminders to the traumas witnessed on that one sacred day that would send life into the alternative reality I now find myself in....."
Read moreWalls.
When relationships end, whether in life or loss, it leaves behind a void.... an emptiness that seems impossible to fill. My human emotion is to keep busy, as to not feel anything further, or focus on what I'm missing. Eventually, you can only run so far.... and so fast.....
In spite of filling our lives with anything and everything available these days, that emptiness will always be there until you find satisfaction. For each of us, what fulfills is unique to your own life. God spoke to the prophet Ezekiel about His search for someone who would "build up the wall and stand in the gap on behalf of the 'land'", but HIs efforts were unsuccessful.
We build walls everyday based on words spoken that bring life to our soul, or crush our spirit; those walls stay erected, creating a way for emptiness to rest.... hurt and pain will grow, unless someone bridges that gap. I hope I can be that someone, in some way. Through experiences I share, I trust you will feel a little less empty.......
I learned a long time ago that what I walked through in this life was all about me. We get caught up in what others are doing or involved in, and forget ourselves. Selfishness is rampant; however, there is a way to focus on self and not become self-centered. I am finally gaining a healthy viewpoint........ vanity v. purity. Only one will win out.