Inadequacies and Opportunities

In my many years of living, there have been countless times I have felt inadequate; moments when I have wondered if I have what it takes to deal with life when tragedy strikes, success comes, or any type of change comes that I could not possibly foresee. This is a common emotion in humanity as we feel the need to label our experience and live the life we are offered. 

In doing so, I bring heaven to earth and limit this infinite potential, my God given abilities, yet to be tapped into..... "treasures in a jar of clay."   (2 Corinthians 4) How awesome it is to realize and discover talents and interests at any age, in any moment in our lives. Jeremiah, the young man called to speak with a futuristic element, felt the same way. He looked at his own inadequacies and declared himself unable. Putting limits on his limitless abilities.......

In the passage of Jeremiah 1 of the Bible, our God in heaven spoke a word into this young man, one of hope, a future, and empowerment. As any natural response might be, his was one of humility, with a tinge of timidity. How often do we do the same thing? When an amazing opportunity presents itself, do we make a list of every reason we cannot accomplish what we are asked to do? We set ourselves up for failure before ever beginning......

What I have found is that in my humanness I think I cannot accomplish much; however, through tapping into the empowering Spirit of God, I can do anything..... even the very, very hard and unimaginable experiences in life can be conquered. Truth is, just as we see with Jeremiah, He will equip. He will authorize. He will commission. I simply need to cooperate. 

As my willingness intersects with His great abilities, my vision begins. I can see. The future manifests itself and an amazing picture begins to shape up. Some believe in making physical "vision boards", but I prefer to see visions unfolding............ for real. 

It is a time for NO LIMITS. "The Lord said to me, "You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled........"                                                                             Jeremiah 1:12
