“When Obama said ‘If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period’—frankly, I believed him. He very often speaks with qualifiers. When he said ‘period,’ there were no qualifiers. You can understand that when I lost my own plan, and the replacement cost twice as much, I wasn’t happy. So I’m watching the news, and at that time I was thinking: Hey, the administration was not telling people the truth, and the media was doing nothing!”
2014 is proving quite revealing thus far, as authenticity stands out from the arrogance saturating a culture. Humility is empowering.......
I am blessed to have a few in my life who support us when needed and and connect with my vision unfolding. I think I am becoming more comfortable (or desperate) in accepting help I am offered when needed. To be here and do this, support and endorsements are necessary.
It was never a matter of my pride preventing my acceptance of "help" offered, but more the motives behind the "offers." A gift is not free when given with strings attached, obligations and expectations... .... and too high of a price to pay. I will not sell my soul.
There will always be some sort of sacrifice, in every aspect of life, as it was since the beginning of time. My late husband's sacrifice in life is helping to provide for our future existence, one we thought he would be part of. I really wish he'd still be here..... but I know he's watching.
My search for new health insurance coverage is pressuring me and comes at the worst possible time ever, but coverage will drop soon because of our relocation process. I also plan to attempt my driver's license asap, to obtain residency. Another "test" to pass.....
Getting a new auto insurance policy in order to cover the two boys and renter's insurance in place, sooner than I had hoped. I could never do this without the kindness of others. Every time I have spoken to a friendly rep from Cali companies, I'm told "welcome to California" and each wishes me well.
Good news coming from Chynna's court as she's got a full time job lined up for the near future, close by, and in her field of study:) Several small openings have also come her way as a chance to earn an income which we are very thankful for:)
The thing we search for after loss is stability. When everything you've ever known is taken away suddenly, it takes a while to find your footing. For some, it takes longer than others, and some never, ever find it again.
I chose to create as stable of a situation I could, in spite of being scared stiff for financial reasons.
Either my faith is growing exponentially or I'm becoming even more naive as I mature:) It's a time to remain in motion because "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."