"Yesterday one of my kids had a tooth removed. Normally, I don't see this as an option because you'd rather keep a tooth than lose it. This tooth however, was one he could afford to do without. It added little to no value to his ability to chew and eat, and he has plenty more."
Read moreLife in the face of loss.
"So.... it's amazing how many actions and emotions are based on the fear of "loss." I know that word is broad and wide, however, can be applied to a variety of issues in life. It's safe for me to say I have faced and compiled a whole host of experiences in which it does apply and speak from that "pulpit" or platform."
Read moreEvery wave that breaks
"Finally another Friday, having rounded out a fully packed week. Transitioning from being a couple down to a single person, whether dating, partners, or married, takes a lot of time. We had friends or families we hung out with as a couple, and when one part of the equation is missing, the dynamics of relationships change. It can feel like another loss............+
Read moreGardens and Growth.
I officially feel like we are turning a corner here in the east, as lawns have been mowed and work is being done in gardens and beds everywhere. It seems as if we pass through some sort of rite of passage after surviving a harsh "season".......
I can feel that way, wondering when life will let up a bit, after putting time, work and effort into the growth process. But there are several elements that work in combination with each other to produce a glorious "garden;" if the positive isn't in place, nothing good will grow.
In my neighborhood, the lawns are cut, flowerbeds trimmed, and yard work gives many a sense of accomplishment. I've learned finally to let it go...... I can only get done what I get done, and handle what I can handle. My lawn is the longest, LOL, and I can't sweat it. That is progress.
Hearing the younger boys say how much they love being home makes me feel good. It is all a miracle anyway, having held onto everything since the passing. At our house, Austin has been the most helpful, as his job and schedule are somewhat flexible week to week. We tackle things in bits and pieces rather than large chunks these days.
One son admitted to me how tough it is to work on the rentals we have because of the reminders of his dad it brings. That leaves me feeling helpless, knowing we have to step up, but also knowing the conflicting emotions it brings. I have had to learn to shut some of that off.......
In any growing relationship however, positive elements need to be introduced if it is going to nurture both parties. If not, we dry up and die. Option two is we hold on until there can be nourishment, enough given to revive a good relationship.
The long distance was very hard on my personal relationship and we did suffer a bit.......... quite a bit.
With the busyness of life, we often feel with relationships that it's time to let go, and it is done very poorly. This creates bad blood, offenses grow, and grudges are nourished rather than growth between two.
It takes time to grow a good garden.......... and knowing the potential bounty - priceless.
For better or for worse.
I have learned there is "no rest for the weary", after making a somewhat harrowing drive home from Penn State last evening, following our long weekend of volleyball. Opportunity never lets up, if I have the proper perspective… Traveling on Route 322 out of town, the path was tough to see. There was no line in the center of the lane, as it was covered in snow. I took my best guess as to where I needed to be. Very few cars were on the road and at one point, it seemed to be just me…
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