Accusations bring Determination

"I have had quite a few years in my journey of faith, and I use that term specifically, because faith is not religion. The more freedom I have found in my life, the closer I am to understanding what faith is meant to look like. I have found that an adverse effect of finding freedom is that it can offend and frighten those who choose to live with the need to control, much like the religious did in ancient days.

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Gentle Reminders.

You know sometimes, the very thing I need to say are the words that I find so difficult to speak; the actions I need to take are the toughest to embrace. There are always reasons to stay, but then there comes a time… when I have to rise to new heights… I sat through a 4 hour long class today with the Greater Lehigh Valley Realtor Association, and received my official Certification and Realtor Pin.

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Shaken to freedom.

Perhaps because I have reached midlife along with many around me, or as the result of the road I have traveled, but life is not exactly how I pictured it would be. In this delicate economy and fragile state of our soul, it seems that anything can happen at any given point in time...........

I think we all can feel it or sense it; if not, you might be living in La La Land, literally, lol. I'm reminded the Word says anything that "can be shaken will be," and I know personally, I have felt the tremors. The idea of shaking means something IS going to give way; somehow, in someway, it will move......... or I will. 

During the times I am shaken is when I need to hold on the most and know I will soon be free, if I do not fear. The shaking is meant to bring me closer to freedom. For those who sought freedom in ancient days, life got harder before it got better. But one of the first things God called them to do in order to be free...... was to MOVE. 

Putting yourself, a plan, or relationship in motion is probably one of the hardest things to pursue. It requires thought, inspiration, and more motivation than we often have in ourselves or our faith. It is then that we must reach out to others to help us walk the journey.........

 Today I was blessed once again to be back east, to hang with my mom and nephew Aidan at breakfast while the Godshall family gathered Miah and their things to head home:) To be here to help out, support and encourage is priceless to me......... things that could shake us will serve to make us stronger. 

Hebrews 12 talks about the endurance needed at points in life when giving up and giving in, seems like the easiest thing to do.  We can never give up, ever. Freedom is worth the journey................

P.S. Happy Birthday our beautiful Ava Joy Anders!