Speaking my language.

Loss is all around us.... someone lets you down, walks away, or simply takes something special for granted. It is a universal language defined by multiple expressions outside of death. I believe this emptiness, largely ignored by society, can actually bring light and unity desperately needed.......

The irony of the life of Christ was just that; in spite of how much He gave to those He called friends and followers, He was met by doubters of His abilities, questioning His authority, and worst of all, betrayal. But He somehow found satisfaction in simply giving, dividing but unifying, and ultimately giving His life to benefit all others. I am challenged to live in such a way this Easter season............

I am super "busy" at times, just trying to keep, making ends meet, as many are. It is within those confines however, that I want to break through the limitations and find the energy to reach out, touch others, and learn to expand. On this 4th of the month, I reminded the kids of how much their dad learned to enjoy His life, even when all other things were pressing on him. I am learning those same lessons.......

I know the enemy of my soul wants me to feel "impoverished" and in "poverty", as if loss is meant to dictate my destiny. I choose to fight those feelings and not be overcome by them. I hope I inspire someone to do the same. We are meant to live for so much more than we know now.......

I hope to have a movie night with my youngest, as all others are out for the night:) This is really the first time that we are all together since 11/11 and not having to "work through" the loss. We are simply enjoying it....... and appreciating the moments.

"My dreams had to be bigger than my circumstances........" (Viola Davis) in order for me to see where I was, know where I am, to keep my eye on where I am going.

New life and light is coming this Spring.

The dream lives.

"And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream....... I have a dream today."

This portion of a speech was made by a man who is always remembered for his quest for freedom, brotherhood, and destiny. He knew each were intertwined and one could not come without the other. There are very few past and present who have the courage to speak in such a way..........

We have few leaders today who sacrifice self for the sake of others..... all because of a "dream." Let alone speak of it......

I believe MLK had a vision of a coming future, and perhaps further away than what he knew. Nonetheless very real. His words still hang in the air of expectation and anticipation. I personally know that freedom is a gift I cannot give up. I cannot be bound by mediocrity or melancholy.

I spent the day sorting through my books of notes, getting organized to write. My focus this week is getting my new tablet ready to roll so I can be more efficient. My techy son Jordan, tires of my requests for help in this area, mostly because I don't want to screw anything new up:)

The time zone differences can really be a problem when trying to talk on both coasts. We're still trying to figure out what works without me staying up until midnight at night. My focus is to write for two months and try to delay any distractions.............. distractions are different than hassles.

As I look at the present and immediate future, I kind of want time to stand still. Life is moving at a rapid pace and even though I'm trying my best, I still feel a "slave" to the impending loss of benefits for my youngest and wondering what I will do. Very real issues are faced by single mothers, particularly widows, years later unsure emoticon

"It is for freedom that Christ set us free" and it is up to me not to become burdened by a yoke of "slavery" again. I don't want to pick up what I have been released from.

Freedom 2015.