A fresh start for Fall.

Being given a "'second chance" in life, whether your experience is in the loss of life or the quality of it, is truly a gift that is easily missed. It is as I move further in my journey that I continue to see this glorious unfolding.....

The opportunity may be wrapped in a beautiful covering, or simple plain brown paper, with nothing to catch the eye. Something given as a "gift" should make me feel good...... and contrary to my circumstances, I know the One I believe in gives only "good gifts......."

I may try to make a guess at what could possibly be contained inside, or how it might impact my life as I open this mystery. My anticipation is palpable; however, it's not until I begin to really unwrap it, rip into it, that I become enveloped in the possibilities and discover destiny within.........

As John and I spent another weekend in SoCal together, I continue to be amazed at the quality of this man I have gotten to know very well....... While I never imagined my life would take such a turn, nor the lives of my children, I see the possibilities of second chances.....

I didn't realize how, but I began to compartmentalize myself since trauma took the life of my late husband and our life, as we knew it to be. I think I had to segregate it in order to handle the major life alterations that accompany loss. Trust issues took their toll as well..............

I now am coming to the start of another new beginning in my life. In another week I will be leaving my PT job at Prudential in HB, in order to pursue my writing and blogging career. It seem the Fall season has brought about a necessary "change" in this season in my life........ more to come.

I hate goodbyes........... but I LOVE beginnings.

Shaken to the core.

Everyday I'm met with cultural diversity and societal stereotypes in SoCal. It's almost like I'm living in a parallel universe or something right off the pages of a history book. There is some kind of acceptance regarding roles people play in society and is quite fascinating, for lack of a better word.

When I raise a question in this regard, it is usually met with surprise...... surprise that anyone would care to notice such a thing. Me being the curious type, I can't help but ask how some things can continue........ unless all sides are in agreement and have an "understanding."

So, now it's our turn; it would seem that one of my sons has recently felt the sting of "reverse discrimination" in the workplace. Never thought that would be an issue we would face............. until coming to SoCal. You would hardly believe it. More accelerated learning on our part.......... getting us ready for something new.

In a location where the land is literally shaken, I think our beliefs have been shaken and taken down to the core. When I want to come to the end of the epiphanies, they just keep coming. Mysteries and secrets are being revealed..........

When I met John over 18 months ago, after a few dates I told him two things: 1. My kids want to move to California and 2. He will never be bored with me. Turns out, he didn't run for the hills but hung in and is my biggest supporter:) We have determined however, that we never need to go back to HI....... ever again. More details coming.

New business ventures are awaiting me and other adventures are out there for us. I can feel it and see it. Perhaps Fall will bring about a change in the seasons in SoCal, when most are least expecting it............ breaking this stagnancy.

Gotta keep moving. Goodnight and Love.


I find it's often in the times I feel the most squeezed, the most pressed, and pressured, when I struggle to keep clarity because my "vision" becomes clouded....... these are the moments in which my faith is worked out, as I wrestle with it..... question it and not be afraid of what I may find.

As I allow the "aging" process to occur, what is produced is a sweet smelling fragrance and a most powerful presence that empowers all around me......... it is very real. All of this, my faith, frailties, the frivolities, and fragility. But..... I am not afraid of it.

"The plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart, through all generations. He knew we would be here, in this place and walking this journey in life because "the eyes of the Lord are on those whose hope is in His unfailing love." Not His conditional love, but unfailing......

Tonight Logan is watching the USA vs Iran Volleyball Match at USC with friends. A special moment as his assistant coach for Rockstar, Alfee Reft, is the starting Libero this evening. He also met Reid Priddy, a name well known in the sport, and on the Olympic level. This is why we're here.....

I spent half the day, embracing the path I feel God is leading me for now. As I get "on board" with His plans, things begin to take off....... Fall will be very full, after this tumultuous summer that has brought a bit of disorder and destruction across the globe. Change is coming.

"May your unfailing love rest upon us O Lord, even as we put our hope in you....." on the East Coast, around the world, and especially here in CA.