As a teen, I used to be a quitter. I could not will myself not to give up. Only in the arena of competitive indoor volleyball, would I find my passion to persevere. I say I have the heart of an athlete, even through my personal choices in life do not reflect my passion. I married a man ten years older than I, and I was 19. I began birthing my seven children at age 20, four of them survived. The last one was the hardest to lose.
In the last week I have had two dreams where a person named "Bruce" was with me. This usually represents a part of myself and/or is a representation of a characteristic of the person I know and apply that within the context of the dream. I was surprised to learn the name "Bruce" relates to the definition of perseverance. It fits perfectly.
Throughout my years of personal growth, I determined i did not want to be a quitter, nor did I want to pass this trait onto my children. I saw in them abilities and potential I did not see in myself, nor did I see a way of achievement. I determined to change the way I lived out the future I wanted for them which meant my thoughts had to turn around; they needed a redirection. My mind would be renewed in such a way that would only enhance my "mental game". In life, I would need this attribute at the highest level possible.
After losing my husband in a tragic accident 11-4-11, the perseverance I pushed for and prepared myself to evolve in, would be the element to help lead us in our recovery process. Perseverance is continually being tested and tried, to prove itself true. Patience finds its perfect work and allows me to transcend time and accelerate to a better future. (The Book of James, Chapter 1)