The Fall Fruits.

It may seem as if you work hard in life and don't get anywhere..... days you're left wondering how in the world to "get ahead" and what that even looks like on a personal level. Ny late husband and I would reflect on our attitude of doing right and worked hard, all for a future we hoped would one day exist......... something better to come.

Hoping that something more in the future, than I currently know to exist in the present, I think is the essence of "faith." Looking ahead......Because "faith is confidence in what we hope for, and assurance of what we cannot see." Faith is belief. Belief is hope. Hope heals the heart........

As I reach a pivotal point in my life at age 45, having experienced more trauma than most perhaps, I somehow am able to position myself/us for a blessing. Even when those beliefs are tested, tried, and totaled, I am able to ultimately trust........ like gold refined in the fire.

Jordan is positioning himself for a new move, another place that has come available, in the proximity of the city he needs to be in. He continues to gain more knowledge and most importantly, shares it with many, freely..... just like his dad. He has a wealth of it..........

After a chaotic first day in October, I am very excited about future prospects. Waiting patiently is very hard, no matter what the subject matter; however, when all hope was lost, a prospective family I wanted as new tenants are coming through. During this week that tested me, they have positioned themselves to occupy one of my homes:) God is good.

I am learning to ask for more, and expect things to work out on my behalf. When I continue to trust and do what is asked of me, aligning myself with the will of God as I know it, great things happen.

Today, after beach practice Logan left his flip flops behind, on this first day of a new month in the Fall. His partner picked them up, after we got home. Never happened before......... His club practice begins also, which will lead to new positions and partnerships. 
Perhaps we will see what this Fall brings forth.......


A day filled with volleyball brought me the reminder I definitely needed and focused me again on the reason I'm here. Sitting on Hermosa Beach was like a very hot summer day back East, only it's March! Big crowds, little parking. Some days I wonder where I am headed....... most of my kids love it here.

Chynna is making her way onto the scene, slowly finding VB connections and planning her course. It's very tough to be at the top in one arena and then start all over in another area. As she trained on the beach Friday, pro players were on the court beside her and Austin:)

Today she participated in the USA VB High Performance Beach tryouts for her age group and met several girls; good stuff for her reffing and playing. She keeps persevering. Good things take time.......

Austin reffed a total of 24 games Saturday and I made three trips to Anaheim in one day because we're down to one car until tomorrow. No time for me to sleep in or catch up this weekend. He's getting lots of sun and his hair is getting blonder:)

I soaked up the hot sun watching Logan tryout with his group for High Performance Beach, for the first time ever. He's recognizing familiar faces after being here almost 7 months. Being minutes from Hermosa is the only possible way it can happen.

My babies are growing up and as they dream their own dreams, I'm reminded of how mine have changed. As I set goals and think about the future, my situation becomes even more real. A housing change here will be in the near future, reevaluating financial needs, trying to squeeze everything I can out of what we have. It gets old. Keeps me focused on the need to write.... and expand.

This new normal is weird, scary, exciting, invigorating, and challenging but......

"Belief is not a matter of choice but of conviction." (source unknown)