The value of virtue.

One thing for sure is through the trials in life, having peace that passes understanding is of primary importance to me. There are few other things that allow decisions to be made to move forward, with the confidence we have had........

With all my experiences in life and loss, peace has become even more important. I know it when I find it; when it is not present, it cannot be manufactured. While it may not matter to many, I know the value of this virtue.

Logan's MB Surf team played in Anaheim today, missing 4 of their players to SAT's. He donned the libero uniform and took up the position. His team headed to the semifinals on another 90 day in November; however, we wrapped it up by heading to Urgent Care:/

While digging a ball, he hit the court and ended up with a slight gash in his chin:/ When I saw him bleeding, I was summoned by the coach and we headed to the trainer. After bandaged up, he went back to play for the last few points.... the heart of an athlete always emerges.

I wasn't sure what to do regarding stitches or not, and if his dad was here he would've bandaged him up with butterfly bandages and first aid ointment and declared all is well. The old school way. The doctor decided differently and gave him 5 blue stitches for 5 days. Either I had peace through it all, or I am still just numb......

Thank the Lord for the gift that passes human understanding, and defies any odds stacked against us. It is possible to have internal peace, where there is none to be found in the external sense........

At a point in Jesus' ministry, he advised those who followed to determine whether or not a place or people, deserved their "peace." They may be welcomed initially, but perhaps no longer wanted. 
After making a determination, they were advised to put their peace on the place, or leave with it intact, not to be wasted.

If a person or place was not worthy of this blessing and well wishes, the blessing left with them. They'd shake the "dust" off and move on. No blessing to be left. No peace to be placed.

I came here expecting one thing, and have experienced something so totally opposite. 
"Vice Verses." Switchfoot

Dare you to move.

Remaining true to who I am, at my core, is proving to be some of the hardest and most diligent work I have ever done. Just as the land is dried out, even more so the heart and character of its inhabitants here ........ there is neither. And that my friend Dave, makes me angry...... people think this is normal.

No matter where one turns, there is a person who will speak pleasant words to your face, and proceed to stab you in the back. There is no love lost here; no trust established anywhere, and nothing substantial to put your faith in........ but can these "dry bones live again?" We will see.........

Fortunately, we are sensitive to the leading of the will of the Lord in heaven, and follow it as best we can. On this 4th day of Sept, 34 months after our loss, our faith lies squarely in the One who will not go back on His word, nor break faith or trust with us........ we have substance to hold onto.

My core is strong and this poisonous experience will not change who we are on the inside. If anything, it will make us just a little bit better:) After all, VB is therapy; it is not LIFE. We continue to be an enigma.

Club VB tryouts have begun, starting tonight and going through the weekend. Second year in, it's a whole new animal. I'm so impressed with my youngest, fiercely competitive and facing guys on the opposing team one day, but embracing each as fellow teammates the next. It is an amazing testament to his character and adults could take a serious lesson.

I continue to work out practical routines with Austin, as he's in full swing at El Camino Community College. He's chosen to set VB aside to focus on studies and soccer perhaps. He's trying to "find himself", while looking for a second job and searching for scholarships. So much responsibility falls to me........

Logan and i regularly talk about the atmosphere here, the desire for "refreshing" in this very dry climate, and the options we continue to have. We're in it together; neither of us are going to give up..... yet.

"I Dare You To Move." Switchfoot lyrics


In the first 3 months of our move west, it seemed the same song was always finding its way to play on my phone. "The Beautiful Letdown" by Switchfoot would play as I was driving back and forth to Logan's club practice a few times a week. I wondered why...... and then thought oh no....

I find there to be as many stereotypes coming from California, as there are projected onto the state by other parts of the country. Very weird. The thinking seems to be that there is no other place where talented, skinny, successful, beautiful and fit people can exist. LOL.

Many "live the dream" in SoCal which includes paying as much as a half mil for a fixer upper or being a tenant forever; spending $9.99 on a small rotisserie chicken in the local grocery store; hearing your neighbors run their garbage disposal at 8 a.m. because homes are so close, and/or enjoying the commutes in the infamous L.A. traffic:) All a matter of perspective.......

It looks like my real estate "career" is expanding and I will have openings coming in my rentals and advertising for Fall vacancies. I've been inundated with interest in the most recent opening, like never before. I'm seeing a demand. Thankfully I have great support helping me through.

Chynna's coaching jobs begin this week, as she makes inroads into the coaching community. The pace of life is a bit slow for her taste as well, and trying to make adjustments. Good news is she's enjoying her new bed off the sidewalk:)

Our desire to impact, influence and inspire people remains true, firm, and resolute, even if we're told we're "living the dream." We remember what's real and righteous.


After a bit of chaos this morning, all 3 boys headed to San Diego. The bros were at the Bro-Am!

It was some much needed bonding time together....... without me around:)

Logan's stayed around the beach cities so this was very good change of pace for him. Austin was excited to fulfill a dream...... and Jordan added the male influence needed and the extra fun to it all.

One of the few songs the band played was "Where I Belong," the song near and dear to our hearts...., which speaks of hope beyond our tears.

They also enjoyed dinner at Joe's Crab Shack, courtesy of Austin's employee discount:) it doesn't get much better.....

Chynna and I had a little girl time, and I witnessed my first wedding on the beach.

A wonderful day..... and night.


April Alignment

April is a month for alignment as ventures on various fronts begin to come together. Tomorrow is another 4th of the month for us and it's a double one this year.

Ever since that day, I am always in motion, which is a key piece in my journey to wholeness. To me, motion refers to terms of hope, purpose, and a future, not busyness and chaos with no meaning. Since coming here and digging my heels in to do this, it seems a whole new world is opening up to me......

In the past, I was busy but in many ways, going in circles and didn't seem to get any further. Those times were not a waste but developed this wanting inside of me...... I knew something better lie ahead. I just didn't expect the path to include the parts I've come through.

Just like those who are mentioned in Hebrews 11 of the Bible, countless men and women picked up and answered some kind of call and compelling force to go big or go home. A mission.

On the eve of the 4.4, Logan plays the song, "Where We Belong," the one so perfect and meaningful, and the one we chose for the memorial service. Switchfoot had just released a new album and the lyrics were perfect; the sentiments heartfelt and our own. It seemed to be written just for us.......

For the first two years I couldn't listen to the song..... I now choose to because it reminds me of hope... the hope we resonated that evening. We want to see a "generation waking up inside...." and still do. This will happen if we have anything to say about it.

Even though I have setbacks and did so today, I'm not giving up.
From coast to coast..... goodnight.