
I'm glad to be back........ after spending 5 days in Houston, TX with our VB team. 

I always thought if I had a dream and a destiny, it should come easy. If something is "meant to be", why would I have to "work for it?" I'm not sure where that thought came from other than empty promises made by well meaning people; impressions made upon me as a young person.

As I connected with a West Point graduate on the plane from Houston to LAX, he identified with the work ethic required. Never in my wildest imagination could I conceive of the "suffering and sacrifices" it would take to get here......

After our time in Houston at Junior Olympics Nationals VB Championships, our vision has again expanded, opening up the future for Logan. More details to come. I find it often takes forced change to conform our will to the path of God in life, and to align us with our destiny. There is pain in that process, but there are rewards........

One of the best things was seeing his previous team from the Lehigh Valley in PA; we have lifelong connections there. The hugs were ones in which I didn't want to let go of, and to see Logan's face light up when he saw his former teammates was awesome:) It felt like a piece of home.

I enjoyed Houston, mostly because of team relationships and having Chynna and Austin with me. We had a few free hours and drove to see the Gulf in Galveston. I can now say we've been there. Not quite what I expected.

Rockstar did very well, winning their Flight in the Open Division:) It was a rewarding experience and in the South Bay, there is no dead time. JO's end and decisions are made for the upcoming club season that begins in September. Now, beach training begins.

Leaving Houston, there was green grass, rain, and life. As we hit LA airspace, I could feel the emptiness in the land, much like the dryness in the ground from a lack of "rain." We know we can't look outward for fulfillment, but have to find it within... and upward..... and release what we have into the area. 
Glad to be back blogging.

"Welcome To The Jungle." Jay-Z


Another Rockstar practice for Logan and team, while I covered for a coworker at Prudential HB today. One day seems like another when the weather is consistent. I had a few agents seriously thinking it was a Monday, when they came in and saw me:)

Heading to Houston on Tuesday, July 1, and we are excited; great parents and teammates, and a whole new start. Hoping to catch some East Coast friends while there too:) Last summer we were scouting out Southern California at this time.......

As Chynna's time home wraps up, she spent time going through items in storage in our attic. As she prepares donation piles, there are things I can part with and others that can wait. I found myself saying, "I want to take some of my past into my future"..........

Just here with the essentials, no comforts and I guess it's time to buy duct tape after Austin told me his air mattress has a hole in it. He put air in it tonight and found a leak,; he's woken up the past few days to find himself on the floor. I had to laugh.

Jordan finally has a bed of his own, after being in San Fran over a year:) Hoping he's not moving anytime soon..... things you take for granted....

After moving out of our old apt. and being put through a form of purgatory for ten months, I received good news. Our old apt. has rented by July 1! The right opportunity, at the right time came along, and I trusted everything would work.

Even though for two weeks I was baited into one battle after another, I resisted. I am putting this all behind me....... and super excited to do so. Something new is beginning...... Resources will come from a new source I trust. None of this move has been "comforting". We all have felt it.

For a while, my soul searched for comfort and there's a certain level we all need. I provide it for the kids; they give it back to me when needed. However, when there is a calling, there is not always comfort.


Over the course of many years, and particularly as loss hit home hard, I've seen some ugly attributes displayed as a result of frustrated emotions. When operating out of a place of pain, if not careful, human nature needs to find something, or someone, to control.....

Rather than fighting for my "rights", I have chosen to bend until I break, to fall to my knees. I choose to look to the heavens and believe in a Higher Power who takes my matters into His hands....... I would rather allow freedom to find its way......

In the face of many obstacles, it took the persistence of Moses to never give up; to go back to a Pharaoh until he finally granted Moses' request. Moses had superior skill, "outplaying" those in positions of power; it was only a matter of time when the best rose to the top. Because of his actions, a whole nation would find new found freedom.

Logan's ankle is on the mend and he is quickly recovering; he is resilient. He's back on the court, practicing daily with his team for JO's in Houston. The countdown is on. Back, better than ever. There are times to return to the basics..... and it seems he and I are on a parallel path.

The Tough Mudder in Vancouver brought Jordan a challenge he embraced, training and preparing his "mental game" for this feat. I'm hoping he'll share his adventures with you:) Next up, expanding the blog, as I continue to grow my writing ventures.

I find myself in a position of doing whatever needs to be done; in other words, "suck it up and just do it." There's really nothing I can't tackle or haven't faced. There used to be times in my life where I could just say "I don't feel like it", but not anymore. No one else picks up the slack.

Today, I was racking my brain over Austin's college loans, past, present, and future, to figure out what he needs going forward. And of course, there's a deadline of July 15 to have all aid/loans in place. I'm always on a deadline, ha ha. Perhaps that's why I'm such a pusher and persevere:)

Persistence is key. I used to be a quitter; now, I will be a winner.
Goodnight and Grace.